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Joe was extremely patient with my mom and I when we took lessons from him. I loved how he made sure to understand why I was there and what I was hoping to get from the lesson. I take clients golfing pretty frequently and wanted help being able to hold my own against competitive golfers. It was amazing too how he could give little tips and tricks that helped my stroke improve so much even from just one lesson – that doesn’t happen too often in golf! I would recommend him to anyone looking to improve their game whether they’re beginners or very advanced.

Lydia E.

Phoenix AZ


I have known Joe for several years and believe him to be an outstanding teacher of the game.  As a former course developer, owner and longtime teacher, Joe has a strong knowledge of the game developed from years of helping students of all ages and abilities.  He is especially talented in his ability to communicate swing fundamentals with simple thoughts and mental pictures.  

My recommendation is that any golfer looking for an articulate, knowledgable, friendly, experienced teaching professional would enhance their golf experience by having a lesson with Joe Park

Danny Edwards

5 Time PGA Tour Winner

Member, PGA of America

Lifetime Member, PGA TOUR     


A friend and I booked a two day golf session with Joe Park. Both of us had different swing issues and needed some new ways of doing things.  Joe did an excellent job of working with us individually correcting our unique flaws.  Joe also introduced us both to some great concepts on pitching, chipping and putting. By working with us on drills on the practice tee as well as on the golf course our confidence grew and consistency improved. The lessons were understandable and readily adaptable but most importantly stuck. The result being lower scores and more enjoyment for the game.  Joe made the difference for us and we will definitely take advantage of his services again.

Dave L. & D.T.

Taos, New Mexico



Neil. W. 


I enjoyed today's lesson and found your instruction very useful. After we finished I hit 20 straight shots without a slice in sight!

Looking forward to the next installment.


Greg H.

I have spent the last two years golfing with a few friends, all of who (myself included) have no measurable golf handicap.  While we always have fun, I started to get to the point where I thought that the only way that I could improve would be to filter out all the random advice and reading that I have done on golf, and schedule some time with a golf instructor.  Joe Park immediately helped me (from the ground up) build up a proper standard golf swing, pointed me in the right direction with at-home (with and without club and ball) exercises and most importantly, helped motivate me to continue to strive to improve, instead of just continuing to hack around on the course. 


Terry B. -

There comes a point in a person’s life when it’s time to either start over Or be done with the game of golf. I thought I had reached the point of no return. 

One session with Joe Park and my enthusiasm for golf was back!

WE have now had 3 great sessions and I am on my way to golf enjoyment Like I haven’t experienced in years.

Joe takes a makes sense approach to rebuilding your game. Wow!

Thanks Joe I’m looking forward to lots of great work with you and great fun on the golf course!



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Jake D - 

“I hadn’t had a lesson in over 5 yrs when I saw Joe for the first time this spring.  Joe instantly provided feedback that made sense and that I could relate to.  He was not out to change my swing to his model, but rather make my swing work for me.  I knew right there in the middle of my first lesson that I wanted to do the 3 lesson package with Joe.  Besides working on full shots, Joe helped with my wedge game and short game play around the green.  He also taught me ball flight and how/why the ball reacts as it does.  He helped me understand in a way I could relate and used Trackman to help further understand.  I easily dropped 4-5 stroke this season, getting my handicap back into the + range for the first time in years.  I would highly recommend seeing Joe if you want to improve your game.  From beginner to scratch golfers, he can help and relate in easy to understand ways that will have you see near instant improvement.”


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Joel M -

Joe, I just want you to know that I am excited for next season, and with your help not only on the physical side of golf but also the mental side, I have increased my expectations greatly. I can see the changes in my game already, But even better other people are noticeing also. 
Thanks again                                                                                           

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Tom K - 

I had given up the game in frustration but was convinced by a friend to look for a swing coach instead of the normal 30 minute teacher routine. I researched the coaches available and found that Joe Park's name kept coming up.  So, I decided to give it one more shot before quitting the game. Joe has taken me from being an out to in slicer to an in to out drawer of the ball.  For years I listened to the so called “pros” tell me to get to the inside of the ball.  But none of those “pros” could really show me how to change my swing. Joe Park, on the other hand, has been able to coach me through the transition to a new swing plane, using drills and explanations about how to change my swing habits.  Joe and I defined the goal. Joe set up the learning path. For the first time I can now hit the ball straight with a slight draw.  My ball striking consistency is much better and I am enjoying the game. Joe has also taught me to recognize the causes of different ball flight tendencies which has allowed me to fix my own swing when I am on the course and remain in control of my game when under pressure.  I have dropped 12 stokes from my game with Joe's help, and I am enjoying the game more than ever.  


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Matt P-

Joe Park came to me at just the right time in my golf career. I was an above average player (7 handicap) that was tortured by spikes and valleys of day to day scores. Joe’s swing philosophy helped me to create a more consistent swing which in turn helped create more consistent scorecards. I believe Joe’s philosophy can help golfers of all levels but especially that golfer who has already started to make positive progress and is looking for a breakthrough. Most golfers looking for a breakthrough are ready to invest in new equipment to try and take them to the next level (in fact, that’s what I did) but the reality was, a more efficient swing was what I really needed. Invest in your swing with Joe before you invest in technology.

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Tom & Gail- 

Thanks again for the time spent on giving me the best golf lesson I have ever taken. You gave me information I needed to understand. I have had the swing all along. I can chop a weed! I have been practicing in the house because of the rain . Tom is also waiting for his lesson as soon as we get better weather.

You are a good person and I do believe you have a gift from God for teaching .


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Joe is an excellent instructor.   He's friendly, easy going and reliable.  His strength is that he simplifies his teaching to match the client’s ability to learn.  Joe has tremendous knowledge about the physics principles behind the golf swing.  He doesn't burden the client with complex theories; instead, he gives easily understood instruction that follows common sense and is consistent with natural body mechanics and the laws of physics.  Joe instantly zeroed in on the flaw in my swing that had me hitting the ball inconsistently.  After working with Joe, I'm scoring lower and golf is fun again!  I highly recommend Joe to anyone who loves golf - whether you're a beginner looking to get started on the right foot, or a seasoned veteran who needs to correct a swing hitch or move to the next level.  Go see Joe! 

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Rex H.- 

Joe, I don't know if you can teach a 70 year old how to hit a golf ball, but I am so near the end of my rope after having taken dozens of lessons from many " top golf pros" over many years, I'm about ready to give it up. "Joe Park says, " I can turn your game around in a few lessons and you'll be hitting the ball better than you ever have. Here lets just start by adjusting the ball position." That was my pre-lesson, lesson. The earth moved, the sky cleared, the wind ceased and I, 70 year old Rex, hit that ball like I have rarely hit it before. I hit another and another and again. I said, "I'm in." I bought two lessons, because you get an extra 1/2hr free with the purchase of two lessons. Not only that, When I come out to practice at the driving range, Joe continues to generously "sprinkle" advice and tweaks to strengthen and refine my swing. He sets you up to hit the ball farther, more accurately, and more consistently. You may pay less for a lesson somewhere else, but you'll not get more for your money than what Joe Park can teach you. I'm off to Florida in January to put it together - confident and excite. Thanks Joe. 


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Jay - 

Hey Joe, thanks for the screen shots of my last golf lesson. I played great on Sat and even better on Sunday. My mind is a lot less cluttered with swing thoughts and it takes a lot less effort physically too. I can't believe its that easy!


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Steve L.- 

Joe helped me with my swing in just one lesson this last winter. He quickly diagnosed a sway issue and what caused it as well as a swing plane issue. Joe gave me a little set up trick to incorporate into my pre-shot routine that has corrected the sway as well as helping with the swing plane issue. I now have much more confidence in my swing and it feels much more repeatable with all my clubs. Just shot my best round ever (74 at a very unforgiving course) Thanks Joe, 

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Brian - 

I am 65 with a 10.5 index.  I started really playing golf about 7 years ago.  Back then I would shoot 120-130.  That was unacceptable to me so I began to study the game in the usual ways:  reading classic books and golf magazines, watching the pros and the slow motion swing replays, visiting internet sites, etc.  I never had a lesson because I figured it couldn’t be that hard.  Hell, I went to college, I should be able to figure this out on my own.  To a certain extent that worked,  Within two years I got down to an index of 10.5.  That was four years ago and I hadn’t improved since then. I continued to study and practice religiously, even installing a golf simulator in my basement.  But I didn’t get any better.  I filled up notebooks with tips and suggestions so I could review them.  I cut articles out of the golf magazines and endured dozens of tips from my friends, all better golfers than me.

I’m not sure what changed but about three weeks ago I decided I needed to do something different because I  just wasn’t getting anywhere.  I used Country Air quite a bit for a range but had never even spoken to Joe.  But that day I asked him if he thought he could help me.  Since I have never been a good “lesson guy” this was a real stretch. Well, no one will ever accuse Joe of lacking confidence.,  He said he could make me a single digit handicapper guaranteed.  I loved his confidence.  Then I had a lesson.  It was much different than I thought.  We spent a lot of time on the geometry  and physics of the game, probably because I told him I was a numbers guy and liked theory.  He was able to speak to me in my preferred language.  For the first time I felt like I understood weight balance throughout the swing.  Ditto for ‘lag’ and ball position and swing plane.

Then we put the theory into practice and immediately I was hitting the ball straighter and farther.  Pretty fun.  He taught me a few swing keys that were actually doable.  By that I mean, he told me how to do things in a way such that mere mortals could actually do them.  Let me give one example.  Like everyone else I have read about “lag”  ad nauseam.  So I would always try to improve it.  I would think about keeping my wrist cock throughout the swing.  I experimented with my posture and the reverse C.  On our first lesson Joe told me to think about keeping the shaft in front of the club head throughout the swing, even past impact.  Shaft lean he called it.  So I forgot about my wrists and started to think about ‘lean’ on my downswing and lo and behold, it worked.  For the first time my hands were getting to the ball before the club head and the feeling was completely different.  Not only that, the ball flight changed pretty dramatically,  Instead of the typical ‘scoop’ flight caused by the club head getting to the ball first, the flight shallowed out and the distance increased.  And the shots had a 3-5 yard draw.  What’s not to like?

In Sum, Joe can simplify things so that average people can actually do the moves required.  What good is a move that only Fred Couples can perform? 

I have now had three lessons and I only wish I had taken the plunge four years ago - might have actually won a few matches.

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Doug B.- 

Hello Joe, thank you very much for all the help you have been giving me on my golf swing and short game. I must say that I have had many lessons over the years with some of the top pros in the country but no one has helped me as much as you have. You are the first person who has been able to clearly explain the hand and arm action needed for solid impact. During my practice sessions you explained to me that proper hand and arm action causes the body to react correctly during the golf swing, not the other way around. You quickly identified the problem areas of my swing and clearly explained how to fix and simplify my swing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but over the last several months we have improved my grip, on-plane club movement, address and ball position, square club face setup, wrist cock, arm action and fold, hand pressure throughout the swing and how it affects club plane and release, club face angle approaching impact.
You also had me get my clubs checked, and I found out that they were set too upright.  Some were even the wrong length!

Thanks again for all of your help.  I am excited to take my new game to the course this spring! 

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Tom Pugh-

I have tried to improve at golf for decades. I have taken numerous lessons, read books, watched videos and bought lots of new equipment. Nothing changed. I hit weak fades and scored well only when my short game was clicking.

Then, I met Joe Park. He explained the science of the golf stroke. It was a simple guide to hit the ball at your target. Anyone can hit the ball in the air and straight at the target. It's science and it’s not rocket science.

Do you think golf is too tough? Does your new driver slice or hook just like last year’s model? End the frustration and save money with just three words,

Call Joe Park Today!

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Gene S - 
I rarely give testimonials but will gladly give this one. I only hope it reveals the gratitude I have for your golf coaching skills. Since I started late in life (age 60) to begin golf; achieving any skill at this game always seemed to elude me. I was never able to make solid contact or develop any power when hitting my shots. I can not thank you enough for teaching me exactly how to hit a proper golf shot. I can now play golf with anyone and feel that the group will not have to slow their play or dampen their golf enjoyment. I look forward to continue our sessions. I am scoring low 90's currently and feel can get into mid 80's with your help.


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Rob M.- 

I was watching TV and the Pro’s were hitting on the practice range just before the Masters began. The cameras were panning and the announcers were pointing out the various Pro’s AND their swing coaches. It was then that I realized that if the best players in the world rely on swing coaches, how can I expect to get any better on my own?? I had gone to Country Air in March prior to taking an annual trip to Palm Desert, CA at the suggestion of a friend merely to be able to hit outdoors and watch the full flight of the ball. Before I went there, I was scrolling through the Country Air website and came across Joe Park’s instruction page. Impressed with the testimonials, his years of experience, and free on line tips, I decided it was it was time to sign up. I spent two fun hours (one each on separate days) with Joe and honestly got about 2 weeks worth of information. He is a master of the golf swing. Forget about everything you’ve read or heard. He’ll break it down and put it all back together again in a fundamental yet practical manner that anyone can understand. He provided basic, practical drills that reinforced the areas of my swing that need improvement. I saw improvement after the first lesson and even more at the end of the second. It was the best thing I’ve ever done to improve the way I strike the ball! I went from a slight fader to moderate draw and gained valuable distance as a result. Don’t waste your time trying to teach yourself, no matter how good you think you are. Go see Joe. It’s time and money well spent.

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John G.- 

Joe, thank you for the very helpful lessons during the summer. For years I have struggled with my high handicap golf game. With your great coaching advice, I have been able to reduce my scores by 16+ strokes and made golf so much more enjoyable! Thanks for your help and patience. With appreciation, 

.- Another Joe Park Satisfied Student -

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David W.- 

Dear Joe, Just wanted to thank you for helping me become a better scoring golfer. I have enjoyed golf for many years as a recreational player. A high handicapper who gave not much thought to equipment and swing technique. But I wanted to improve my scoring and therefore enhance my golf outings. And that was accomplished by getting a lesson and my swing analyzed and then custom fitted through Mizuno's performance fitting system. With my new "fitted to my swing"JPX-800 irons I have felt and seen the difference in my game. I have longer distance, more control, and better feel with great ball flight and trajectory. This first full summer with these fitted irons I have averaged 7 to 9 strokes better. Thank you soo much. I highly recommend a visit to Joe Park and get fitted through Mizuno's performance fitting system. .Your game will greatly improve. I cant wait till next summer!  

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Scott M.- 

Thanks Joe, After one lesson I played the best 3 rounds of my life. Thanks again,
P.S. Call Joe Park

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Patrick A.- 

First, I have to say, I’ve been going to County Air due to convenience, and I have always felt very welcomed, as have my kids.  Joe’s family is wonderful!  I was talking with Joe and his wife Nicole one afternoon, after Joe had watched me hit a few balls, and he said he could change my game for me.  I decided to go for it, hesitantly, I’ll add.  I’ve had lessons in the past, and none of them offered an ‘epiphany’ for me…a real game changing lesson I had never experienced.  I spent just short of two hours with Joe, and it’s changed my game completely.  His approach is somewhat scientific, somewhat mechanical, and easily understood, as he treats you like a student…he wanted to make sure I was understanding what and why.  It was a great experience and I can’t tell you how much I’d advise a lesson from Mr. Park…you’ll leave refreshed that there is actually HOPE!  Thanks Joe and Nicole! 

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Time to correct bad fundamentals early. I just spent one of the best times of my golf life today with a lesson from Joe. Who would have thought that a golf lesson could be so helpful and fun too. What I walked away with afterwards was more confidence in my ability to play better golf....Thanks Joe.

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Michael F.- 

I am a self-made single digit handicapper. I have never had formal lessons from any licensed professional in 16 years of play. I have relied on my dad, television programs, and golf magazines to help hone my golf swing. Then I decided to get a lesson from Joe Park. I went into the session with an open mind, hoping that Joe's years of teaching and golf knowledge would reveal an idea that would help take me to the next level in my golf game. I consistently shoot in the 70's and have become bored with my scores and wanting to get into the 60's. I knew that practicing what I already knew would not get me there. The lesson with Joe was exactly what I needed. Joe showed me things about the golf swing that I had never heard or seen. He simplified very complex components of the golf swing and tailored the lesson to my natural abilities. With Joe's teaching I am progressing to be more consistent with my ball striking and more confident in my game all together. I truly feel that this will be my best season yet, and that I will break into the 60's because Joe Park.

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Ben W.- 

I've been frustrated by the game of golf  for years. Joe has made all the difference. He taught me how to consistently hit my irons and my woods in a way that I'd never thought possible. He has a wonderful gift for teaching. 
I can't wait to bring my son up this summer----and my granddaughter in a few years.


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Dan M. - 

I have been a customer of the Country Air for the past few years, during that time I have had the good fortune to get to know Joe and his family. Between the three or four lessons I have taken from Joe, and his willingness to share advice w/ me, my game has shown marked improvement. If golf is a game for life, then I would recommend lessons with Joe Park to any golfer who is serious about their game. Joe will fix the underlying cause of your swing problems, not just treat the symptoms of bad shots with band aids. 

Thanks again for your help Joe, w/ best regards;

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John N.- 

Joe, The lesson I got prior to my golf trip to Florida was invaluable.  The simple adjustment you made in getting me to keep my hands moving through the swing resulted in driving more tee shots in the fairway, which, led to scores in the mid-80”s and winning three of four rounds. Needless to say, I had bragging rights on this trip.  More importantly, my fellow golfers made numerous comments about noticing a difference in my swing/game. Undoubtedly, I have you to thank.  My next goal is to work with you on the short game and putting so that I can consistently report scores in the low 80’s.  Many thanks for your instruction!

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Scott K.- 

“I have taken one lesson with Joe and thanks to his very simple and easy to follow instructions that worked with my current swing, I am striking the ball much more solidly and consistently. Most importantly, my ball’s flight path has a much, much narrower range of direction. He gave me the tools to get my hands out in front of my body on the downswing in a manner that allows me to compress the ball with less effort and a much shorter, more efficient and easily repeatable swing. I highly recommend Joe as a teacher and will use him as my golf instructor for the rest of my life.”

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Ben - 

My teenage son and I met Joe during one of our off-season visits to his driving range.  My son had been having control issues with his swing, and had become very frustrated trying to diagnose and correct the problems.  We were both very impressed by how quickly Joe was able to spot the problems, and how simply he was able to explain and teach the corrections.  His understanding and explanation of the science behind proper golf swing mechanics is very easy to understand and implement.  My son was able to put Joe’s teaching into practice right away, with immediate improvement and sense of relief that he finally understood what had been happening.  I would highly recommend Joe as a golf instructor, especially to other parents of young golfers who are looking for someone they can trust to teach correct golf mechanics early in a golfer’s development.

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Islah S. - 

I am a weekend golfer who definitely needed lessons. Joe works with your swing and enhance it to make it better to keep you comfortable with your swing and is not not like one of those teachers who impose their swing on you which only takes longer and is uncomfortable and you forget about it unless you keep taking lessons from them. Only one lesson from Joe completely changed my swing dynamics. Joe will show you basic concepts which are missing from your swing. After only a few modifications I was hitting 20-30 yards farther than I usually hit. Using his pointers I keep on hitting nice shots. I highly recommend Joe to be your Golf Instructor.

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Geoff P.- 

Joe, Here's a quote you could use on your website. "Joe's instruction really pays off.  It includes both conventional concepts as well as new explanations and ideas that helps each student achieve a quick execution of a great golf swing."  Thanks...

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Jim M.- 

"You are a  @#!*%  genius. That is the best bucket I have ever hit. .....No weight shift, ....No roll of the hands and No shoulder turn. I didn't think of any of these positions and it all just happened!!! "Wow"

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Dennis B.- 

Thanks for the video.  Anyone interested in learning to play this sport needs to spend some time with you, especially those that want to learn how to think their way thru a proper shot...Simple drills will get yourself to thinking a positive shot that in turn will lower your score and make the game fun for you. I highly recommend that you spend the time and money to try a session with Joe.

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Mox - 

RE: Perfect ! Wednesday Lesson
Thanks for everything, Love the tennis racket image and flatter back swing ideas. Played very well in AZ.




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